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This page is a compilation of links of videos (and articles) that people have posted online...  Some are just  'ho hum', some are incredibly flattering, and some speak of the injustice to the poor...  You decide which you like, if any.

D. B. Cooper Does Woodwind

This link goes back to when I had a little spat with city hall and the NFL....  They said get lost, I said, well....  Then they said, 'Ooops'

Never knew when someone was going to want to take photos and do an article... In this case, some high school kids for a project that the SJ Merc comissioned them for...  go figure

This is another article/blog on the whole superbowl mess

The title for this one is a bit overblown... (alot more than  'a bit')...  but definitely flattering...  Done by some SJSU students

A little more on the silly side for this one

I honestly don't remember who did this video, but I do rather like it... Except you can really tell how thin my hair is getting

Several Youtube videos that I posted a few years back...  Go to this link, then click the channel icon to see the rest.

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